My Crew: Part 1

My Crew Part 1

Jesus was extremely invested in the lives of His disciples. He took them aside to have deep, meaningful conversations. This small group of followers was given permission to ask Jesus tough questions, was challenged in their faith, and was held accountable for their actions. 

If Jesus had been a sailor, His disciples would have been His crew. Who is walking through life with you? Who's your crew? 

Pick up your Crew Kit at church and use this site as a helpful resource to make the most of this important journey.

"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." Proverbs 27:17

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, 12

More Scripture 

First 20

God has 20/20 vision for our lives, and as we give Him the first fruits of our time and attention, our First 20 minutes each day in prayer, He begins to recalibrate our vision in alignment with His will. As you begin your journey with your crew, you'll need to be intentionally encountering God each day. Need help getting started? Take the First 20 challenge and spend your first 20 minutes in prayer for 20 consecutive days. We have First 20 resources available to help you encounter God every day. 

First 20: Start Here →

Commit to a crew

Follow Jesus’ example and invest in others while allowing them to speak into your life at the same time. In other words, commit to a crew! Tell us who's in your crew so that we can pray for and encourage you along the journey.

Commit to a Crew →

Conversations With My Crew

So, you have a crew ... now what? Buckle up. This is where it gets exciting! Set up a routine with your crew members and start talking about important things. We've made it as simple as possible by giving you a clear vision and some launching questions to ask each other.

Conversations With My Crew →

My Crew: Part 2

Part 2 of My Crew involves picking up two crucial passengers for a successful journey - someone who can help guide you and someone you can help guide. Being and having a guide are a vital part of growing deeper relationships with Jesus and each other.

Continue to My Crew: Part 2

The big picture

The purpose of participating in My Crew is to deepen our relationships with Jesus and one another in an effort to ignite our faith as a church body. Along with the My Crew journey, Walnut Hill Community Church seeks to ignite faith with targeted resources, goals and events throughout the year.

Ignite Faith: Resources and Key Dates →